Family Feud Questions(points) With 30 Answers

  • 1. Name something that has an antenna.

    television 35 tube 35 on television 35 tv 35 boob tube 35 boombox 29 speaker 29 stereo 29 sub woofer 29 ghetto blaster 29 radio 29 jalopy 22 vehicle 22 truck 22 car 22 van 22 telephone 7 phone 7 mobile 7 cell phone 7 roaches 5 bees 5 bugs 5 cockroaches 5 termites 5 flies 5 insects 5 mites 5 spiders 5 beetles 5

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    tags: animals technology kids funny insects category: 30 answers

  • 2. Name something you can rent.

    vehicle 38 jalopy 38 car 38 truck 38 van 38 automobile 38 cinema 33 movies 33 films 33 manor 18 house 18 plantation 18 estate 18 dwelling 18 real estate 18 condo 18 bungalow 18 mansion 18 sofa 5 table 5 chair 5 furniture 5 bed 5 desk 5 couch 5 bookshelf 5 tenement 5 loft 5 flat 5 apartment 5

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    tags: belongings house car equipment clothes animals category: 30 answers